Feb 7, 2009

A troll named Saffiy

Revantusk Troll Priest:
Saffiy has come from the Hinterlands as to help the Horde (as a thank you for their support against the Forest Trolls and Alliance). So many Horde Priests have gone on to the Outland and Northrend fronts there is a shortage of Azerothian healers.

Wanted by the Cosortium

By the spirits, that's my name. This is far too close for comfort. I've never even been to Outland. I've never even heard of this Saffiy! I better not get in trouble because of this Darkspear elementalism teacher.

I suppose it's time to change my hair again. And name. And keep avoiding all forms of contact. And travel farther.

Jul 11, 2007

Shadow Council Darkmoon Deck

This art project was completed around November 2005.

The Suits

Evening, Rajani, Kyrie


Mahley, Feren, Andariel


Sprok, Saffiy, Quzqua (Koragis)


Nightside, Risingmoon, Equinox


Nagababa, Magno

Major Arcana

Gaark, Septurus

Raenne, Miffle/Rabbly

Simayi, Aktarin

Thrage and Undina, Nicholai

Marvah, Preinn (Lycros)

Blurgle, Elsymir

Irulana, Muargon

Ruszka, Bardamu

Tulmesh, Anka

Zylona, Ranthilen, Velze, Grimmlok, Delthas, Nellaf, Deez

Demolay, Barbot

Lolann, Moohuata, Qiu, Batigol, Earthpaw, Frie

Message from the Arteest

Saffiy Nov 2005

If Silas Darkmoon had been playing on this server since March 2005, met as many interesting characters and read the truly amazing stories that I have, he might have created the Darkmoon decks a little differently. These are based on Darkmoon suit themes and Tarot themes, and my interpretations of the roleplay characters. Thanks so much to the players of these characters for donating their time to pose.

Feb 13, 2007


Some images from the last month or so.

Stormspire Eco bubble

A letter from Durazu

Summoning something

Teng full of Holiday cheer

Jan 6, 2007

We Heart Thrall Event

This trip combined History and Geography in a re-enactment of Thrall's liberation of the Orcs from containment prisons and founding the new Horde. Starting at Durnholde Keep we traced his steps in discovering the Frostwolf Clan, freeing the orcs, and traveling to the Echo lsles.