Jul 30, 2005

Warlock Chat

It was supposed to be Demonology class with Professor Sihddis. After his mysterious absence, we decided to have a chat anyway on Warlock topics.

Photos by Yembla

Jul 25, 2005

The Carrion Surprise?

It's really better not to ask, though if you must know... only the choicest Witherbarks and Bloodscaps.

(( A post to celebrate the monacle - a gift from Frie. ))

Jul 24, 2005

Jul 22, 2005

Mahur Needs an Owl

Mahur's friends in the Eternal Path decided to help him get an owl hunter pet. So thirteen set out for Teldrassil to see if it could be done.

He did get the owl!

I jumped off the tree at the waterfall, landing not too far from where Abbadon went splat.

Jul 21, 2005

For The Horde!

Eternal Path Costume Party

Thanks Eternal Path Guild!

Ruzska in the front.

OOC: I have the coolest graphics bug ever! Whenever someone casts Druid's Tranquility I get the Disco lights in a huge area for about 20 minutes per casting! You can see it here, and in the Tram pics.

Jul 18, 2005

It's hard to say no to Jandi

OOC - I made a silly comment on Jandi's pic at facesofwow, which was "Let's put on our swimsuits and go ride the tram!" She held me to it in-game. Here it looks like Tharne is our pimp. =)

Arcane Arts Open Forum - U of K event

Jul 15, 2005