Dec 28, 2005

Bad Trolls and Gadzooks!

Naitera gets all wordy.

Victory Dance!

A foreshadow?

Dec 26, 2005

Hooray for Greenches!

Four Greenches!

Victory Dance!

Dec 25, 2005

Tooga Loves Torta

We helped Tooga get home to his wife. Hooray!

Dec 23, 2005

Dec 21, 2005

Pigs Eye View

Xowl, as seen by Horace.

Dec 18, 2005

History Field Trip Part 1

"Ancient Menaces of Kalimdor" History Field Trip with Professor Baeldan.

History Field Trip Part 2

Dec 17, 2005

Two Men Enter

Xi'Balba's Afternoon at the Oasis 3 event closes out with some duelling. Many people left with new pets.

Tundrarunner vs. Olm of Lordaeron

Dec 16, 2005

Merdanne Wedding

Saffiy is best man at the wedding of Theara to Vallente Merdanne.

Dec 11, 2005

Yemmy Goes Into Uldaman Pt. 1

Really great things have been happening since I started working for the U. Me and Xowl and Horace found some nice people to go on adventures with. Yay adventure!

... to be continued.

Dec 9, 2005

I gotta be in something.

I have to sleep in something or I can't sleep. Like in a box, or a basket, or crate. Or even a big bag. I can't be on top of something like a bed. It's a good thing we have sleeping bags for travel or I'd never get any shut eyes.

When I was looking up some info at the U Library for the upcoming trips to Uldaman I noticed this flower box. It's perfect!

Dec 7, 2005

Spirits and Shamanism Class

The Spirits and Shamanism Class meets with Grunzzor Windrunner at the Valley of Trials in Durotar.

The topic of the evening is the spirit of Earth.

Dec 4, 2005

Demonology Class

Yemmy attends another of Professor Calixto's classes on demons. He wants to know what makes them tick.

The class went to Fire Scar Shrine in Ashenvale. It's full of fel guards and hounds. A summoner lives up at the top.