Dec 23, 2006

Field Trip to Caverns of Time

(( Didn't want to spoil the experience by showing too many spiffy pictures. It's pretty easy for everyone to get to this place now and see the shiny. ))

Dec 13, 2006

Photo Op

More pics of this belf priestess. I'm still working on her story, and a tale to go along with the pics. It's just not fully percolated yet. [coffee metaphor, anyone?]

The sky kept flashing between white and blue. I don't know what was up. I hope it doesn't happen on the release version.

Dec 10, 2006


An aubade is a poem or song of or about lovers separating at dawn. The form has some dramatic elements, since the poem is often a dialogue between the lovers, one saying that dawn is near and they must part, and the other answering no. There is often a refrain, in which the watchman, or occasionally the jealous husband, warns the lovers of the approaching dawn.

Aubades were in the repertory of troubadours in Europe in the Middle Ages. An early English example is in Book III of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. The love poetry of the 16th century dealt mostly with unsatisfied love, so the aubade was not a major genre in Elizabethan lyric. However, there is an aubade embedded in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, starting with the famous lines:

Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day:

It was the nightingale, and not the lark,

That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear

The aubade gained in popularity again with the advent of the metaphysical fashion; John Donne's poem "The Sunne Rising" is one of the finest examples of the aubade in English. Aubades were written from time to time in the 18th and 19th century, although none of them quite up to metaphysical standards.

From Wikipedia.

(( beta belf priestess, pondering the motives of the Naaru. ))

Sep 2, 2006

Mockery of an Institution

(( I finally got to processing the pictures from the Hearing. It was a blast. It was hilarious and well played by all parties. Sweetptetal, Plaeglottis, Sweet's tart, Gromdaloyr, Satyra... and the peanut gallery! It was all amazing. And here I always thought Saffiy would have a trial for an actual crime she committed. ;) ))

The peanut gallery cheers for Sweetpetal and boos at Saffiy.

Saffiy aided by Gromdaloyr and Satyra.

The University is found guilty of the second charge.

... and the third.

The full decision is here.

Jul 29, 2006

Nimboya's Pike

Valt sends a message to the Trolls of the Hinterlands. It reads "Nimboya is ticked."

Jul 25, 2006

Teng's Class on Infernals

The class travels to Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale.

And then to Felwood.

Jul 21, 2006

Micen's History of the Titans

Micen Farok at the Gates of Uldum, in Tanaris.

Jun 10, 2006

Field Trip to Darkshore

The skull of the Old God.

Solielle teaches about the wildlife of the area.

The class examines the waterfall from Felwood.

Jun 2, 2006

Valt's Tattoo

...and the story of how she got it.

May 29, 2006




