Apr 15, 2006

Priests Convention

The priests and well-wishers start out in Forest Song, Ashenvale.
Dr. Juliard Vines and Aviyanna of the Darkspears speak on topics relating to priestly matters.

After the speeches and a spot of duelling the convention moves to the Lumber Yard for a game of Mind Vision seek-and-find. Almalinda Daughtridge won two of the three games, Undel Felsight won as well.

Apr 11, 2006

Apr 8, 2006

Nether Theory Class

With Professor Teng Darkheart

Apr 2, 2006

Apr 1, 2006

(( RL = WOW ))

Today some wow people came over to play boardgames. We played Powerpuff Girls, Ticket to Ride, Robo Rally, and Bang!

In attendence were Gaark, Mrs. Gaark, Frie, Juliard, and Olm.

L2R: Frie's arm, Juliard/Torkal, Olm, Saffiy/Yembla/Valtenress
It didn't look blurry on my 2" camera screen :(