This art project was completed around November 2005.
The Suits
Evening, Rajani, Kyrie
Mahley, Feren, Andariel
Sprok, Saffiy, Quzqua (Koragis)
Nightside, Risingmoon, Equinox
Major Arcana
Gaark, Septurus
Raenne, Miffle/Rabbly
Simayi, Aktarin
Thrage and Undina, Nicholai
Marvah, Preinn (Lycros)
Blurgle, Elsymir
Irulana, Muargon
Ruszka, Bardamu
Tulmesh, Anka
Zylona, Ranthilen, Velze, Grimmlok, Delthas, Nellaf, Deez
Demolay, Barbot
Lolann, Moohuata, Qiu, Batigol, Earthpaw, Frie
Message from the Arteest
Saffiy Nov 2005
If Silas Darkmoon had been playing on this server since March 2005, met as many interesting characters and read the truly amazing stories that I have, he might have created the Darkmoon decks a little differently. These are based on Darkmoon suit themes and Tarot themes, and my interpretations of the roleplay characters. Thanks so much to the players of these characters for donating their time to pose.