Aug 27, 2005

Sprig Break - Druid Convention

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Chikyu Bloodhoof, third cousin twice removed of the High Chieftan Cairne Bloodhoof!

I really enjoyed the convention. I got to meet elder druids, and speak to some interesting people. I was forced to leave early due to out-of-Azeroth concerns, (which fell through so I could have stayed after all, phooey).

Despite one really annoying rogue, everyone was composed in a dignified manner, and the convetnion went off without a hitch. The trolls, orcs, and Forsaken who appeared added a culture mesh and brought real life into the debates.

I thank Saffiy and the old, uh......Naramu, and Batigol for being our hosts!

(A quick apology to monopolizing the end of the debates. It's a trait of the Bloodhoofs, rambling on a bit. Funny, that reminds me of a story, I heard when I was young. I had just gotten home from chasing plainstriders, which I decided to chase becasue I saw one with a funny tail and...............)