Oct 1, 2005

The Warrior's Convention

I was late making it to Camp Mo, and found several people waiting there for the convetnion. My apologies for the delay.

We cleared our way to the Arena in Dire Maul, and once everyone jumped in the brawling began. I did my best to pummel Nightside to death with a book, but alas...

We had some drinking and chats.

One Alliance person did show up to honor our warriors.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are sadly lacking in the following ways:

1. No pictures of Louka and her mischeviousness with Freezing Traps.
2. No pictures of Teng and his abuse of Beshara with Curse of Tongues and Fear.

That is all. All in all, I had fun, sorry I had to leave early.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am in every one of those photos except the alliance one, and since I am not part of the alliance, thats ok! hehe. I am even all glowy in the first one ^^

The warrior convention was a blast! Even with that long series of freak ice storms that seemed to encase people randomly in a block of ice... *smiles innocently*

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I almsot forgot the strange affliction that Beshara seemed to come down with. It seemed to be a bit contagious even, as some others caught it also, but none had it as bad as Beshie did... I wonder, did her tongue grow horns? or a barbed tail?

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I just realized I'm in the second picture, yay for me! I even remember that.

...okay, FINE, the hat doesn't look quite as stupid as I say it does. So there.

Anonymous said...


Okay, I'm in both the FIRST and THIRD pictures. SOrry, really need to look at these when I'm not asleep. :P

And yay for Demolay! I'm glad he's still around, at least sort of.