Jan 28, 2006

Yemmy Goes to Maraudon

Yemmy went to Maraudon with Xowl, Horace, Satyra, Olm, and Batigol.

Jan 24, 2006

Story Time with Felheart

Felheart tells the story of the Little Lost Murloc to Saffiy and Satyra.

Jan 15, 2006

Silithid Threat Trip pt 1

The route of the trip, starting at Camp Taurajo and ending at the Scarab Wall. Known Silithid nests are marked with red dots. The region of Silithus has three vast underground hives and a tower inhabited by the creatures.

Images of the hives are not included in this report. Self-study students are encouraged to travel the route and experience the progression for themselves.

Freewind Post, Thousand Needles

Un'Goro Crater

Approaching Cenarion Hold, Silithus

Silithid Threat Trip pt 2

Cenarion Hold, Silithus

The Scarab Gate to Southern Silithus

Mysterious Red Rock

The Scarab Gong Dias

The students were particularly brave to travel all the way from the relative comfort of the Barrens through increasingly alien and hostile regions to the truly harsh land of Silithus. From all accounts they received the experience intended. The knee-high foragers of the Southern Barrens are the slightest peek into this world.

Lord Professor Tulmesh, Professor Baeldan, and Professor Satyra aided me in conveying the context of the threat. Teng Darkheart was also on hand to provide information from his research into the Silithid.

I engage in these trips not just to teach my subject of Geography, but also to educate myself. I learned much on this trip. Professor Baeldan was adamant that the Silithid on our side of the wall are a different type than the Qiraj behind it, and that many of the Silithid we encounter are 'civilians' in their culture. Something to consider before attacking the more docile members. Civilians or no, they are encroaching on Horde territory and are building too close to our cities.

Thanks again to everyone who went on this trip.

Dean and Professor of Geography
University of Kalimdor

Jan 14, 2006

Narai Tarbaam

Saffiy was honored to participate in this Orc traditional ceremony to drive out the demon and corrupting spirits.
Preparations for the ceremony involved costumes and the learning of songs.

A token demon was summoned to represent them all, inner and outer. The participants circled the demon while performing the song.

The demon broke free and was beat back to the Nether.

Jan 4, 2006

Field Trip to the Hinterlands

The Hinterlands, at least the parts we visited, are not the most photogenic at eight in the evening. Here's a road.

Revantusk Village is beautiful any time of day.

The extra-credit portion of the trip was an account of Equinox' harrowing imprisonment and escape. I'm proud of the class for swimming the arduously long distance to the secret farm.

Due to our overwhelming numbers and armaments the warden let us take a look around. This is the cramped cell where Equinox tried to sleep.

We rested a bit in the yard and reviewed the material from the trip.

Jan 2, 2006

What's Saffiy Up To Lately?

"Who me? Oh nothing at all, really."