Jan 15, 2006

Silithid Threat Trip pt 2

Cenarion Hold, Silithus

The Scarab Gate to Southern Silithus

Mysterious Red Rock

The Scarab Gong Dias

The students were particularly brave to travel all the way from the relative comfort of the Barrens through increasingly alien and hostile regions to the truly harsh land of Silithus. From all accounts they received the experience intended. The knee-high foragers of the Southern Barrens are the slightest peek into this world.

Lord Professor Tulmesh, Professor Baeldan, and Professor Satyra aided me in conveying the context of the threat. Teng Darkheart was also on hand to provide information from his research into the Silithid.

I engage in these trips not just to teach my subject of Geography, but also to educate myself. I learned much on this trip. Professor Baeldan was adamant that the Silithid on our side of the wall are a different type than the Qiraj behind it, and that many of the Silithid we encounter are 'civilians' in their culture. Something to consider before attacking the more docile members. Civilians or no, they are encroaching on Horde territory and are building too close to our cities.

Thanks again to everyone who went on this trip.

Dean and Professor of Geography
University of Kalimdor

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