Nov 30, 2005

(( Big Bad Appreciation Post ))

Copied from the Shadow Council forum, on the WOW main site.

My appreciation for all of you is vast. My experience with this online community has kept me fairly sane through rough times. Some of you may just be starting to realize... the player of Saffiy is a little nuts. The process of playing the game and adding noise to the forums gives me the something extra I need to get through life.

So thanks. Not just to the "known" people. But to the silent players too. The ones who've never posted. They read and play, and are appreciated too. They fill the game with 'life'.

On to the finger-point... er I mean name-calli... um... list.

Frie. "THE" unguilded 60 tauren druid in the jaunty hat. Next week is our 15th anniversary (yes, that's years). He's my bestest friend and my biggest fan. He says to me "you're happiest when you're being creative" and then helps me fill out ideas.

Cloudmaker. I never really got to know the character, but the player had spine, cajones, and wit. Inspiring.

Koragis. Not sure he knows this, but he got me to roleplay on this server. Until about level 25 I was one of the silent PVErs. Watching him conduct trade in-character through the imp was so... enchanting. He's a generous and patient player.

Marvah & Equinox. They are truly good. Marvah has always been supportive of the U and my efforts. She's another player in the spine + wit category I find inspiring. Equinox cheered me up on several occasions when I was having a bad day, shouldn't have logged in, but did anyway for planned events. He made my day each time. His brand of RP is awesome with extra awesome sauce on top.

Satyra. I've learned from her to take risks with the characters. What's the worst that could happen? I don't need to mention spine + wit (and cajones) for her. It's a given.

I appreciate the people mentioned above most for thier integrity. It's not necessary in an anonymous free-form community. But it is so nice to find.

I want to list a bunch more people who bring me delight and joy. But then I run the risk of leaving people out... more than I have already. I've distilled to the essential biggest baddest appreciations, which were formed since my beginning on the server.

Nov 27, 2005

Aiding Gaark

Four of us went with Gaark to the Tainted Scar in the Blasted Lands with the goal of helping him tame a Doomguard. I suppose the proper term is "bind". Ngaguti Zandalar, Raenne Seversol, Septurus Vollinger and myself dedicated ourselves to the task.

I knew we would succeed. Missions of revenge are blessed by strange and powerful gods. After the binding of the Doomguard Gaark learned the ritual to summon more. He chose the graveyard outside Orgrimmar as the site for his revenge.

I had already heard Gaark's tale of how his wife was killed by a Doomguard. His desire for revenge led him to the Warlock's arts. Keridwen and a couple trolls I don't know joined to observe.

We five summoned forth the Doomguard, who chose Raenne as the sacrifice. What followed was a scene of sweet revenge. The spirit of Gaark's wife was honored by our actions.

Nov 25, 2005

U of K Library Opening

Head Librarian Rogro and Saffiy.

This tent is on Spirit Rise, in Thunder Bluff.

Assistant Librarian Xanaxi, Kasae, and Feylah attended the opening.

Plenty of space in there for all the books, readers of books, researchers, etc.

Haunting Cenarion Hold

Saffiy finds a place to rest and hide at Cenarion Hold...

...and then has a chat with Septurus Vollinger.

Nov 23, 2005

The Forgotten Coast

The Geography class goes to the Forgotten Coast, at the west end of Feralas.

Nov 19, 2005

Defending the Undercity

Saffiy gets news of a large assault on the Undercity and joins in the defense. The front gate and sewer entrance are attacked. Saffiy is directed by the raid leader, Darkstalker Brent, to protect the sewer tunnel.

Alarms sound from the Apothecarium. Saffiy runs to help, but is too late. The bodies of the Apothecaries, defenders, and assailants are littered around the room. The guards scour the corners and nooks for more rogues.

Saffiy kneels to check on Apothecary Faranell. Poor fellow. What a pity.

Nov 14, 2005

Intro to the Spirits

Mr. Grunzzor Windrunner's first class on shamans and the spirits.

Nov 9, 2005

Field Trip to Moonglade

We toured the glade in quiet contemplation.

Nov 3, 2005

Farewell Tocana

Saffiy says farewell to Tocana Etah, her long time friend.

(( *snif* ))

Nov 2, 2005

The Hunters Expo

The hunters gather in Un'goro crater for this event sponsored by the University of Kalimdor. Many are summoned by hostess Yembla, and see the crater for the first time.

After the duelling the hunters, animal companions, and Dean go out hunting devilsaurs in the crater.

Many thanks to all who could make it.

Nov 1, 2005

The Chapel Perilous

"I have entered into a craft of my own design and workmanship. I am set on a course I myself charted long ago. With such foresight and planning have I come to this brink. Why do I now feel sucked uncontrolled into the vortex? What will I be when I come out the other side?"