Nov 27, 2005

Aiding Gaark

Four of us went with Gaark to the Tainted Scar in the Blasted Lands with the goal of helping him tame a Doomguard. I suppose the proper term is "bind". Ngaguti Zandalar, Raenne Seversol, Septurus Vollinger and myself dedicated ourselves to the task.

I knew we would succeed. Missions of revenge are blessed by strange and powerful gods. After the binding of the Doomguard Gaark learned the ritual to summon more. He chose the graveyard outside Orgrimmar as the site for his revenge.

I had already heard Gaark's tale of how his wife was killed by a Doomguard. His desire for revenge led him to the Warlock's arts. Keridwen and a couple trolls I don't know joined to observe.

We five summoned forth the Doomguard, who chose Raenne as the sacrifice. What followed was a scene of sweet revenge. The spirit of Gaark's wife was honored by our actions.

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